How would the world look like if the Ottoman Empire survived past the World War I?

The Ottoman Empire: What If It Survived Past World War I?

An Exploration of a Counterfactual History

The Ottoman Empire, one of the most powerful empires in history, was dissolved after World War I. However, what if the empire had survived past the war? This counterfactual scenario has sparked much interest among historians and political scientists. In this magazine article, we will explore this hypothetical world and its potential implications.

Section 1: The Surviving Ottoman Empire

In this hypothetical world, the Ottoman Empire manages to survive the end of World War I. The empire retains control over its territories and is able to maintain its power and influence in the region. This means that the empire is able to avoid the devastating effects of the Treaty of Sèvres, which would have split up the empire and placed much of its territory under foreign control.

Section 2: Political and Social Changes

With the survival of the Ottoman Empire, there would have been significant political and social changes. The empire would have had to adapt to the new geopolitical realities of the post-World War I era. It would have had to modernize its political and economic systems, and potentially embrace more democratic principles. There would have also been changes in the empire's social structure, with more opportunities for women and minorities.

Section 3: Regional Implications

The survival of the Ottoman Empire would have had significant regional implications. For one, it would have prevented the rise of new nation-states in the Middle East, such as Iraq and Syria, which were created after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. The empire would have continued to be a dominant force in the region, potentially exerting its influence over neighboring countries. This could have led to tensions and conflicts with other regional powers, such as Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Section 4: International Relations

The survival of the Ottoman Empire would have also had implications for international relations. The empire would have continued to be a major player in global politics, potentially aligning itself with other major powers such as Germany or the United States. This could have led to a different outcome in World War II, with the Ottoman Empire potentially joining one side or the other.

In conclusion, the survival of the Ottoman Empire during World War I would have had significant implications for the world as we know it today. While it is impossible to know exactly how events would have unfolded, it is clear that this hypothetical scenario would have led to a very different geopolitical landscape. It is important to consider such counterfactual scenarios in order to better understand the history and its potential outcomes.


- Akcam, T. (2018). The Ottoman Empire's Aftermath: Turkey and the Balkans in the Twentieth Century. Routledge.

- Aydin, C. (2017). The Idea of the Muslim World: A Global Intellectual History. Harvard University Press.

- Barkey, K. (2011). Empire of Difference: The Ottomans in Comparative Perspective. Cambridge University Press.

- Kinross, P. (1977). The Ottoman Centuries: The Rise and Fall of the Turkish Empire. HarperCollins.

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